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Sunrise over wheatfields
Ralph Teller

Vitamin D from the Sun's Rays helps Prevent High Blood Pressure

by Ralph Teller

Exposing Skin to Sunshine Improves Cardiovascular Health

Lowers Blood Pressure. Two recent studies have found that exposing the skin to the ray of the sun improve cardiovascular health. One study found that the Vitamin D the our body creates when our skin is exposed to the sun can reduce blood pressure. More specifically, the researchers found that the compound nitric oxide is separated from our body's manufacture of Vitamin D and released in our blood vessels. This nitric oxide helps lower blood pressure. The sun is our body's primary source of Vitamin D. Our body manufactures Vitamin D when our skin is exposure to sunshine. The creation of Vitamin D in our body from our skin's explosure to sun is an incredible life process. See Vitamin D Synthesis from the Sun

Reduces Heart Disease. The other study found that skin exposure to sunshine reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, and increases lifespan.

Gradual Increasing Exposure to Sun Recommended

The studies suggest that exposure to sunlight improves health overall. We should all get sufficient exposure outdoors in the sun. Many people have become Vitamin D deficient because they are avoiding exposure to the sun due to concerns about skin cancer. Too much sun exposure at one time can increase the risk of developing skin cancer. However, it is recommended we gradually increase our time in the sun so our body can maintain a good balance of sun exposure. Many medical experts have concluding that the benefits to heart health of sunlight will outweigh the risk of skin cancer. It is recommended not to be overexposed to the sun that would cause a bad sunburn. Also, tanning beds are not recommended as means of obtaining ultra violet rays and can be very dangerous.

More about Ralph Teller. See Ralph's 1Vigor Log Calendar.

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Articles on Vitamin D

PublicationSunshine could benefit health, University of Edinburgh

PublicationA causal association between vitamin D status and blood pressure: a Mendelian Randomization study in up to 150,846 individuals, Karani S. Vimaleswaran, European Society of Human Genetics

PublicationVitamin D Metabolism, Bodo Lehmann & Michael Meuher, Department of Dermatology, Carl Gustov Carus Medical School, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany, Dermatologic Therapy 2010

PublicationVitamin D and Innate Immunity, Jeremiah Miller & Richard Gallo, Division of Dermatology, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, University of California at San Diego, Dermatologic Therapy 2010

PublicationHealth Effects of Vitamin D, Heike Bischoff-Ferrari, Center on Aging and Mobility, University of Zurich and Department of Rheumatology and Institute of Physical Medicine, Zurich, Switzerland, Dermatologic Therapy 2010

PublicationPhotoprotection: a Review of the Current and Future Technologies, Steven Wang, Yevgeniy Balagula & Uli Osterwalder, Memorial-Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, Ciba, Inc. Basel, Switzerland, Dermatologic Therapy 2010

PublicationEffects of Ambient Sunlight and Photoprotection on Vitamin D Status, Joseph Diehl & Melvin Chiu, Division of Dermatology, Departments of Medicine at UCLA and Division of Dermatology Service, West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Medical Center, Dermatologic Therapy 2010

PublicationMany Americans Fall Short on Their Vitamin D, Steven Reinberg, HealthDay

PublicationLow Prenatal Sunlight Exposure May Increase Multiple Sclerosis Risk, Pauline Anderson and Laurie Barclay, MD, Medscape

PublicationVitamin D 'affects more than 200 genes', John Von Radowitz, Sydney Morning Herald

PublicationEffects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Testosterone Levels in Men, S. Pilz, Medical University of Graz, Austria, National Institute of Health

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